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Get started on your recovering!
Iniguez Physical Therapy is an outpatient physical therapy clinic. Two facilities to choose from, Silver City NM, and Bayard NM. Physical Therapist has 30+ years of experience.
Above picture is for the Silver City Office. 1310 N. Pope St.
Above picture is for the Bayard Office. 609 Central Ave.
Our Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide the best treatment quality care to treat any musculoskeletal problem or diagnosis relating to the human body. Such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones, heart, and lungs. We will ensure this by utilizing state of the art equipment, one-on-one therapist to patient treatment, and the most up to date techniques available in the physical therapy profession.
Furthermore, we shall provide treatment to any individual regardless of race, color, creed, age, gender, national origin, or physical disability as long as those services are available and it is within the scope of the practice of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) guidelines.
McKenzie Protocol
This protocol was founded in 1978 by Mr. Robin McKenzie, a physical therapist from New Zealand. Currently, this method of treating mechanical spinal pain is being instructed throughout the world. To become certified in this method it requires 114 hours of continuing education study. I personally have completed all the courses and received my certification in 1996.
The purpose of this protocol is to alleviate pain from mechanical origin related to the spine (cervical, thoracic, and lumbar). Three categories have been established by the McKenzie Evaluation Method. They are: 1) Posture syndrome, 2) Dysfunction Syndrome, and 3) Derangement Syndrome related to bulging discs. The most commonly treated derangements are cervical and lumbar bulging discs which cause radiculopathy to the arms and legs (sciatica) respectively.
Posture Syndrome: This syndrome is common with individuals that require sitting the majority of their time to perform their jobs, or individuals who through the years have neglected their posture and experience pain in their thoracic region.
Dysfunction Syndrome: This mainly describes the lack of flexibility of the spine due to various factors such as; post-surgical scarring, chronic poor posture, and scar tissue related to arthritic changes of the spine. This syndrome can occur in all three areas of the spine.
Derangement Syndrome: This protocol is the most used for treatment in the clinic. In this category the disc is the main emphasis. The theory is that the nucleus of the disc shifts in the disc within the vertebra. It has been scientifically proven by MRI images that 95 % of the disc herniation (bulges) occur in a posterior-lateral direction. Therefore, the McKenzie protocol assists in centralizing the nucleus of the disc with proper exercise and mobilizations to the spine.
Excellent protocol to attempt with patients prior to surgical intervention. Depending on the evaluation’s physical findings by using the McKenzie Evaluation Method, each syndrome is treated accordingly with the procedures taught in the McKenzie courses for the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine. After such syndrome is stabilized by this method (2 weeks), then they are progressed to spine strengthening utilizing he Pneu-chair and the Pneu-weight system for another 3 weeks).
Pneu-Chair Spine System
The Pneu-chair apparatus is also a unique apparatus in our facilities. This system utilizes compressed air which is specialized to perform specific tasks. The chair is specifically designed to stabilize 4-5 segment settings while targeting the paraspinal muscles, beginning from the lumbar, lower thoracic, upper thoracic, and ending at the cervical area.
It has been scientifically proven that in order to strengthen weak paraspinal muscles, the areas in question must be isolated. No previous exercise regimes have come close to this system in targeting the paraspinal musculature of the whole spine. This system is utilized for a variety of diagnosis related to the spinal column. Such as 1) osteoporosis, 2) muscle atrophy of paraspinal musculature, 3) poor posture.
The Pneu-chair system will be specifically applied to each individual to target the spinal segments that require rehabilitation for posture correction or enhancement of paraspinal muscle strength. The Pneu-chair system will be utilized in conjunction with the posture gage, the McKenzie protocol, and the Pneu-weight system.
Pneu-Weight System
The Pneu-weight system is a unique apparatus to our clinics. It utilizes compressed air and a harness which suspends the patient’s weight in a vertical direction and has the capacity of 0 lbs to 350 lbs. The machine lifts the patient’s weight upward so the joints such as the low back, hips, knees, and ankles experience less weight forces as they perform walking tasks on a treadmill. The Pneu-weight system has the same benefits of water, except, this apparatus can distract up to 100 % of the individual’s weight vs. water is limited to 10-15 %, depending on body fat content.
This apparatus is easier to use and the patient does not require to get wet or need a swim suit. The Pneu-weight system may be used for a variety of diagnosis that require distracting body weight from the joint. Such as, 1) low back , 2) hips, 3) post-surgical operations such as total hips, knees, ankle surgeries, and lumbar, 4) Ankle sprains, 5) bone fractures, 6) CVA, and 7) Athletic performance enhancement known as speed training.
Depending on the type of diagnosis, a specific program using the Pneu-weight system will be set up for the individual. This system will assist in enhancing the individual’s functional progress in a safer environment than other conventional ways. This apparatus will be utilized in conjunction with the Pneu-spine machine and any other lower extremity problem deemed appropriate.
Posture Gage
The posture gage apparatus is also a unique apparatus to our facilities. It is specifically designed to measure the individual’s overall standing posture by tracing the individual’s spine curves in a standing position. The data points are then entered in a computer program which analyze points and compares the results to the normal curves. Via the results from this system, the Pneu-chair system is set up according to the spine segments that require the most attention.
Furthermore, since an initial trace of the individual’s posture was performed, a follow-up tracing can be superimposed on the original to compare and measure change. The readout of this apparatus gives the individual a visual view of their posture which assists in having them realize what is required to change and also a copy is given to them for reference. The posture gage is utilized in conjunction with the Pneu-chair spine apparatus.
Pneu-Vibe Apparatus
This Apparatus is also unique to our facility. This machine utilizes vibration plates which can be controlled at different levels and amplitudes of vibration. The individual can perform exercises while standing on it, sitting, or for massage of the spine. This purpose of this machine is to enhance circulation, flexibility, increase muscle strength, and increase bone density. This machine will be integrated with athletic performance exercises, and any other problem which may be appropriate such as spine pathology, improving flexibility and strength. This Service is only available at the Silver Office.
Athletic Sports Speed Training Program
Our facilities are equip with all the appropriate tools, exercise machines, fitness center on site, and expertise to treat any sport related injury. Our experience as therapists includes 2 years with a Semi-pro hockey team with the Tri-City Americans in Washington State. Since 1993, we have treated a variety of sports injuries with athletes in our community with excellent results.
Furthermore in conjunction with the Pneu-weight system and a high speed treadmill ranging up to 28 MPR, the athletes can be challenged to their potential. This phase of the program assists in enhancing the individual’s speed. Regarding athletic enhancement, any athlete in the community can participate in the program. This program is recommended in the off season of his/her sport and 8 weeks prior to initiated the practice for the sport. For example: a football player, would be recommend to do the program in the beginning of July so can finish at end of August when football practice begins. If you need more information contact our office at (575) 388-0430.
This program is also utilized in our facilities with a variety of diagnosis related to any type of sport injury. This program will assist the athlete in enhancing his/her strength, endurance, coordination, and speed. Depending on the type of injury and sport requirements, a specialized program will be designed for the athlete so he/she can return to his/her sport at the top of his/her game. Part of this program will be utilized for injured athletes and will include: 1) Patient education on anatomy, physiology, and prevention responsibilities, 2) Strength Training, 3) Endurance Training, 4) Coordination and balance training, 5) Sport Specific Exercises, 6) Speed training (if appropriate), 7) Home Exercise program.
Cardiac Phase II Rehabilitation
This program is utilized with patients who have had major cardiac surgical intervention such as bypass, stent, and heart transplants that are medically stable and released home. This program is also utilized for patient’s post heart attack with no surgical intervention necessary. The purpose of this program is to increase the individual’s cardiac capacity to 80 % by a monitored progressive manner. The Vidal signs are monitored while they perform the program. Within the program the individual is progressed utilizing the Bruce protocol to tolerate 13 minutes at 80 % cardiac capacity for their age.
In the initial stages of this program, the Pneu-weight system will be utilized to decrease body weight so their heart will not have to work as hard vs. full body weight. I usually start by taking off 40 lbs. using the system in a vertical manner using compressed air. Once they can achieve 70 % cardiac capacity, I begin returning their body weight by 10 lbs. every session until they are not utilizing the system at all and are achieving 80 % cardiac capacity.
To further enhance their cardiac capacity, the upper body ergometer (UBE) is integrated when they can tolerate 70 % of their cardiac capacity with the Bruce protocol. After 4-6 weeks in the program they are instructed on the appropriate use of the treadmill in the fitness center. They are supervised for a couple of sessions to make sure they use the apparatus correctly and use the pulse sensor appropriately to continue their own cardiac recovery until they can achieve 5 days a week 20 minutes of cardiac work-outs.
Dynamic Lumbar Stabilization Exercise Program (DLS)
The dynamic lumbar stabilization program was established by the San Francisco Spine Institute. This institution’s main specialty is treating diagnosis related to the spinal column. They have had the opportunity to enhance the knowledge for spinal injury and dysfunctional diagnosis. This program’s main emphasis is to improve the individual’s overall core muscle strength, coordination, and endurance while maintaining a neutral spine. Similar to Pilates but safer due to fact all exercises have been specifically selected to be safe regardless of the condition of the lumbar spine.
This program is a very good tool for a home program after the injury phase of the lumbar spine problem has been stabilized by the Pneu-chair system. This program is also integrated post-surgery to the lumbar spine, lumbar stenosis, scoliosis, and athletic performance for core strength enhancement.
Aqua Massage Apparatus
The aqua Massage apparatus is also a unique machine at our facility. This machine utilizes warm water with 36 pulsating mini-jets which go up and down the individual’s body without getting wet. The person does not have to undress and a protective barrier is placed between the individual’s body and the water while they lay face down on a cushioned mat. This apparatus is also available for for the public use, a price list is available by calling our Silver City office at (575) 388-0430.
This apparatus will be utilized to assist in relaxing patient with spine injuries such a ligament sprains, muscle strains, muscle spasms, circulatory problems, and overall body relaxation. This machine will be utilized in conjunction with the Pneu-weight system, posture, gage, Pneu-spine chair, and the McKenzie protocol to enhance treatment outcomes and relaxation of the body. This service is currently only available in the Silver City Facility.
Work Related Injury Program(Work Conditioning Program)
Our facilities consists of experienced and educated physical therapists. We offer state of the art specialized exercise equipment in the therapy clinics and a fitness center on site. The fitness center also offers a variety of tools to assist the injured worker return to work. As a physical therapist I have had one-on-one experience working with a physician in Washington State who was in charge for ¼ of the state’s workman’s compensation injured workers program. Within those two years, I gained expertise in appropriate progression to prepare the injured worker to return to work in a efficient and safe manner.
This program may be utilized to treat a variety of diagnosis of injured worker. They can regain their function and return to his/her job duties in a safe manner. The program consists of treating the acute phase of the injury in question. After the injury is stabilized, he/she is progressed to a more aggressive phase of the program. The purpose of this phase is to improving their strength, flexibility, coordination, and proper education and prevention for safety at work.
This program will be utilized to treat injured workers and will include: 1) Patient Education and prevention, 2) Strength training, 3) Endurance Training, 4) Posture Education, 5) Proper Lifting Mechanic Instruction, and 6) Home exercise program responsibilities.
Patient Education Procedure
This procedure is utilized by our staff on a constant basis with every patient seen in our facilities. This procedure includes in part or all as listed below:1. Proper instruction on anatomy as it relates to his/her physical injury.2. Proper instruction on posture if physical problem is related to spine injury.3. Proper instruction on lifting body mechanics so he/she can lift objects at home or at work properly and avoid further injury. Mostly related to lumbar spine pathology injuries.4. Proper instruction in home exercise program and responsibilities to encourage the patient to become part of their own treatment process.
The home program may include flexibility, strength exercises, precautions, and activities to avoid and reduce potential further injury.5. Answer any questions the patient may have as it relates to his/her injury and treatment process. This procedure from a physical therapist point of view is just as important as the treatment for the injury. Due to the fact if no instruction is given to the patient, it has been found the treatment benefits and outcomes of his/her injury usually last twice as long and sometimes will not be resolved.
Furthermore, if the patient is not included in the treatment process and educated or instructed on his/her responsibilities, chances are the injury will have a higher probability in becoming a chronic condition. Patient education procedure is a must and will directly influence the outcome of the treatment and healing of the injury. This procedure also educates the patient in the do’s and don’ts to avoid the same injury in the future or becoming worse throughout the treatment process.
Bayard Fitness Center Services
In 1998, a fitness center was added to our physical therapy facilities. The center consists of 4,000 sq. ft. of space and contains a circuit strengthening machine for every part of the body, treadmills, elliptical cross trainers, recombinant bikes, upright bikes, rowers, and plenty of free weights for all an individual may need. This center is also open to the public and daily, monthly, or bi-yearly memberships are available. The fitness center also contains a smoothie bar consisting of 100 % fruit. A variety of additives such as ginseng, calcium, vitamin C, Nu-Power, creatine, soy protein, and bee pollen may be added for a healthier drink.
For extra protein, we offer 50 grams of protein per drink. In 2000, we added a second duplicate site in Bayard, NM which also offers the same services as the Silver office. If you have any questions regarding the fitness center, please feel free to contact our office at (575) 388-0430 or (575) 537-1000. The fitness center is a great asset to the patients and the public. As the patient’s physical injury is stabilized by physical therapy, the patient has an opportunity to be instructed correctly on a overall wellness program consisting of strength and cardiovascular exercises. The appropriate frequency, sets, and repetitions are instructed to the patient so they can continue on their own. We also educate them on the importance of appropriate nutrition and physical activity to live healthier and improve their quality of life.
Silver City Fitness Center Services
In 1998, a fitness center was added to our physical therapy facilities. The center consists of 4,000 sq. ft. of space and contains a circuit strengthening machine for every part of the body, treadmills, elliptical cross trainers, recombinant bikes, upright bikes, rowers, and plenty of free weights for all an individual may need. This center is also open to the public and daily, monthly, or bi-yearly memberships are available. The fitness center also contains a smoothie bar consisting of 100 % fruit. A variety of additives such as ginseng, calcium, vitamin C, Nu-Power, creatine, soy protein, and bee pollen may be added for a healthier drink.
For extra protein, we offer 50 grams of protein per drink. In 2000, we added a second duplicate site in Bayard, NM which also offers the same services as the Silver office. If you have any questions regarding the fitness center, please feel free to contact our office at (575) 388-0430 or (575) 537-1000. The fitness center is a great asset to the patients and the public. As the patient’s physical injury is stabilized by physical therapy, the patient has an opportunity to be instructed correctly on a overall wellness program consisting of strength and cardiovascular exercises. The appropriate frequency, sets, and repetitions are instructed to the patient so they can continue on their own. We also educate them on the importance of appropriate nutrition and physical activity to live healthier and improve their quality of life.
Dry Needling Procedure
Dry needling is a form of therapy in which fine needles are inserted into your skin to target specific painful areas such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, and/or near nerves in order to stimulate a healing response. At times Dry needling will be integrated with electrical stimulation to maximize the benefit (see illustration I, below for a knee set-up). Dry needling is not acupuncture or Oriental Medicine; that is, it does not have the purpose of altering the flow of energy (“Qi’) along traditional Chinese energy meridians for the treatment of diseases.
Dry needling is a modern, science-based intervention for the treatment of pain and dysfunction in musculoskeletal conditions such as neck, mid back, low back, arms, legs, and head for headaches, and jaw for TMJ problems. Dry Needling is safe, however, in the first treatment of application, of individuals some people may experience drowsiness, tiredness or dizziness. This only occurs in 1-3 % of the population. Furthermore, in our facility, we will only use Needles which are pre-packaged from the factory and will be disposed of after one use according to the OSHA requirements
Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFRT)
What is blood flow restriction training, BFRT?BFRT was first introduced in Japan in 1966 and is gradually obtaining momentum in the use for enhancing muscle strength with low resistance training exercises. BFRT utilizes pneumatic cuffs to artificially restrict arterial blood flow to a region of the body with safe appropriate pressures. BFRT restricts the venous blood return but does not occlude the blood flow 100 %. The pressure is recommended between 40 – 80 % in each limb. As the limb is restricted safely, the accumulation of the metabolic byproducts leads to an increase of acidic environment within the muscles while performing the strengthening exercise(s).
This disturbance of the homeostasis begins causing a cascade of events that lead to an optimal anabolic environment. This will result in an increase in anabolic hormones such as the growth hormone and IGF-1 production. These hormones impact the signaling pathways that control protein synthesis, ultimately leading to skeletal muscle hypertrophy over time. The cuffs will be placed either on each arm by the top of the biceps area or the top of the thigh area. Then the appropriate pressure will be utilized according to age, activity of the individual, and health. I also have been informed while performing the exercises, I will experience a significant burning experience in the muscles being used to perform the exercises. I understand the muscle soreness may stay as a residual affect for 24-48 hours after the exercise routine.
BFRT is not recommended for sickle cell anemic conditions, cancer, thrombosis (blood clots), pregnant, chronic edema conditions, when using blood thinners, and individuals under the age of 18 years old must obtain permission from the parent or guardian. If I have any of the contraindications mentioned previously, I understand it is my responsibility to inform my physical therapist. The picture below demonstrates placement of the pressure cuffs. Either in the upper thigh areas or above the biceps areas. Not recommended to place all 4 cuffs at the same time, only upper or lower at one time.
Body Composition Weight Scale Apparatus
The body weight scale is a very precise apparatus used to measure: 1) total body weight, 2) body fat weight and %, 3) muscle mass weight and % 4) water hydration % , 5) resting calorie expenditure , 6) Body Mass Index (BMI), and 7) recommended calorie consumption for body weight ratio. This apparatus works on the ratio metric techniques utilizing micro-current in ohms. As the individual stands on the platform, force plates measure body weight. At the same time, the individual grabs on to bars on either side of the apparatus, the micro current goes through the whole body and measures impedance of the micro-current. The results are very precise when comparing to under water weighing are only 2 % off and more accurate than caliper measurements.
Furthermore, the individual may be tested with cloths on or off. For better more accurate results, it is recommended to be tested 2 hours prior to food or water consumptions or exercise workout. This service is also available to the public for a minimal fee. If you have any questions regarding this service, please feel free to contact Iniguez Physical Therapy at (575) 388-0430. This Picture Demonstrates the proper position required to take the body composition test with cloths on. It may Also be taken with underwear or naked if you require. This service is currently only available at the Silver City Office.
Professional history of Pedro Iniguez
Isaac Iniguez, Physical Therapist.
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Please contact us directly with any questions, comments, or scheduling inquiries you may have.
Silver City Office: PH: (575) 388-0430
Bayard Office: (575) 537-1000
Feel free to fax any documents to
Silver City office-(575) 388-0430 or Email: iniguezpt@aol.com
Bayard Office: (575) 537-1010 or email: iniguezpt@aol.com
Monday - Friday: 8am - 8pm
Saturday - 8 am - 12 pm, Sunday: Closed